Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Lots of Different Numbers
see 6:46 3:03 like every time I'm looking at signs or clocks. Sometimes (rarely) I see 12:12 1:11 but I mostly see the numbers outside of one number are the same like every time I look at a clock I saw 5:55 like once or twice 616 on the tag of a car and many others like 303 646 616 etc, why? What do they mean? Why do I notice them?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Mainly, you notice them because they're there.
That's a lot of different numbers you're seeing. Out of ten digits available from which to compose numbers, you're seeing seven of them.
There's nothing wrong with seeing the numbers available to see in your environment. Kudos to you for seeing what others rarely notice.
See the essence of numbers page to determine the meanings of certain numbers. Not all numbers have had an article published about them, but many have, and more are added as I find the time and space to do so.
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