Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Numbers Like 1111 and Mirror-image Numbers

Image for 'Numbers Like 1111 and Mirror-image Numbers' numerology answer

I frequently come across numbers like 1111 and mirror image numbers like 717. Is it suppose to have any message for the future? Kindly respond.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With your personality number being the master number 11 and your cornerstone letter having the value of the number 11, you would tend to want to know the meaning of non-material things.

As for coming across numbers with duplicated or mirror-imaged digits, this is how it works for many people (and probably for you):

People come across many, many numbers during the course of a day.

Certain numbers are remembered. The rest are removed from immediate memory.

The numbers that are remembered generally are one of these types:

  • A number with personal meaning.
  • A number related to an emotional significance.
  • A number with unusual characteristics — like a number containing doubled or mirror-imaged digits, but could also be other unusual characteristics.

There could also be another type, a number that a person thinks might have a special meaning or message for them. However, when a person does think that or wonders about that, then the number becomes emotionally significant (or more so).

The Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again article and the Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article discuss those points.

In numerology, numbers represent certain energies. It's what gives them meaning. Other than their use in calculations, numbers have no additional significance in numerology.

Numerology-related tendencies and probabilities related to the future is talked about in the Calculating Cycles from Birthdate Numbers article.

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