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Seeing the Same Set of Numbers All My Life

All my life whenever I look at the time randomly I always see these numbers in order of how frequently I see them. What does this mean? 12:34 1:23 4:56 11:11 12:12

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Decades of seeing the same set of numbers whenever you look at the time randomly is a long period.

My thought is that either (1) the experience has been so ingrained that it continues to happen even though whatever reason there might have been no longer matters or (2) the reason still exists, wanting to be discovered.

Personal reasons for seeing certain numbers aren't calculable with numerology. Thus, numerology calculations won't reveal which of the above it is, nor will it reveal if it's something else.

Number meanings, however, can be calculated with Numerology — number meanings being distinct from reasons for seeing the numbers).

Because there are so many different numbers, I won't write individual interpretations here. Most of them have meanings linked from the number meanings page, which I encourage you to investigate.

Be that as it may, I noticed something in the pattern created when the single digits were counted and arranged together:

(your name number)

It has a shape that reminds one of a funnel or vortex. Or perhaps a horn.

If a funnel/vortex, the shape might represent going through the number 1 (self-determination, aloneness, leadership) and each number's experience, in order, through the number 6 (harmony, family, beliefs).

At the other end of the series of experiences is your name number 7 (introspective, analytical, spiritual).

Conversely, if the shape is seen as a horn, the source may be seen as your name number 7, the emanation flowing through and experiencing the number 6, ever expanding as each number is experienced in sequence through the number 1.

Perhaps some of that will make sense to you.

Another article that may help is the one about repetitively seeing the same set or sequence of numbers.

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