Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Seeing Mirrored and Doubled Numbers
I keep seeing recurring numbers everyday. they may be mirrored e.g 21:12 or they may be doubles e.g 21:21. I also see numbers in threes and fours, and its mostly the same numbers that happen everyday, even during the night I'm up seeing them. No matter where I look it will happen, on my phone, on receipts, car licence plates! It's driving me insane as I do not know what they mean? Help please???
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Of course you see many numbers during the course of a day. However, it's the numbers with unusual composition that you remember seeing. The Why People See Certain Numbers all the Time article has information about that.
The numbers that are remembered are of course the only numbers memory can focus on.
The more you wonder what it means, the more you'll remember seeing them.
Try to consciously recognize other numbers you see during the day, numbers you wouldn't usually remember, even writing them down so you can refer to them and remember them later on. It may reduce the compulsion.
Numerology numbers represent certain numerology energy. The number meanings index page has links to many numbers, should you be curious about certain of the numbers you keep seeing.
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