Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

The Number 1116

So lately I've been seeing my birthday everywhere. 11:16. Whether I'm at home and notice it on the clock or I'm at the store and it comes up as a total price. I've also been thinking a lot about my little brother who I haven't seen in years, who also has the same birthday as me, but were not twins. We were born 12 years apart. So I guess my question is what does the number 1116 mean and could the connection to my little brother be the reason I keep recognizing this number everywhere?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, the connection of having the same birth month and day as your brother does could be the reason you are seeing 1116 so often. Seeing the number makes you think of your brother, does it not?

Perhaps it is time to get in touch with your little brother. Say "Hi." Reestablish feelings of kinship. Ask him how things are going.

I'm fairly certain you are seeing the number 1116 so often is because of its association with you and your brother's birthday. However, spiritual associations are not really the realm of numerology, more for a psychic or tarot reader.

Your numerology name number is 11. And your life cycle number is 11 (until year 2016).

An 11 numerology name number tells me you are inclined to be a spiritual person, perhaps also teaching by example. A life cycle number 11 brings many opportunities to interact with spiritual aspects of life - like the seeing of the number 1116 so often.

The essence of the number 1116 is completing things that were started long ago, things related to home and harmony and, perhaps, healing.

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