Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Always Seeing the Number 121
I am ALWAYS seeing the number 121, on the clock, change due back from purchase but that is also the month and date my mother passed(Jan 21), I also see 618 and 1218, only on clocks and that is my daughters birth date and time she was born ([date and time removed]. My daughter is my firstborn out of my 2 children and she was my mothers first and favorite grandchild (she loved both my kids but especially close with my daughter who was 6.5 yrs old when my mother passed and my son was only 18 months). I just want to know WHY I'm seeing these numbers. Is my mother trying to communicate or is it just mere coincidence?! PLEASE HELP. Thank you much!
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numbers you keep seeing are numbers with much personal meaning and emotional significance. And that, most likely, is the entire reason you're seeing those numbers as often as you do.
It works like this:
- You see many numbers during the course of a day.
- Only some of those numbers are remembered.
The numbers you remember seeing are the ones with special meaning or significance for you. The reason you remember seeing those numbers (and not all the other numbers you also see) is because you notice it when you see those numbers. You notice it and you remember it because the number is significant to you.
Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time talks more about that.
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