Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Significance of 1 and 10

There seems to be a recurring theme going on in my day to day life lately. It may have been occurring long before I took notice of it but each time I look up at the clock it reads __:01 or __:10. It can be any hour at any time of day but it's those last two numbers that stick out the MAJORITY of the time. Even in the same hour for example I can just by chance glance at the clock and it will read 10:01 then when I look away and continue what I'm doing and look again it will PRECISELY read 10:10. Is this some type of sign or message? Does the numbers 1 or 0 or even 10 have significance?? Please help!

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

In numerology, the numbers 1 and 10 both have to do with self-reliance, independence, leadership, and exploration. The 10 reduces to the number 1, which is why it has essentially the same meaning.

The other numerology web site has an article that talks about the essence of the number 1.

Your current name's hearts desire number is 1 (10 reduced to a single digit).

The name you had for the first five years of your life has a destiny number 1 (again, 10 reduced to a single digit).

I'm unable to calculate what it might be, but perhaps there is something about your birth name that you, living as your current name, long for.

Generally, numerology readings are more accurate with the birth name, when the current name is different. I would recommend it in your case, also.

Actually, it may be a good idea to get a full, comprehensive, paid reading with your birth name. It may reveal things you hadn't been aware of.

(Free readings generally are limited compared to comprehensive paid readings.)

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