Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Seeing a Time and Missing Something Important

Image for 'Seeing a Time and Missing Something Important' numerology answer

Since the day my daughter has been born I look at the clock at 22:09 every single evening. 22.09 is my date of birth. I feel like I am missing something important here,...? Can you help me please?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

When an event is associated with a person who is very important or dear, it can seem like the event itself is important. Yet, it is the person who is important, not the event — unless the event is important by itself, without that association.

What is important about seeing 22:09 is that you recognize the time as representing your birth day. That you started seeing it since your daughter arrived can seem to make the time even more significant. It is those facts, the recognition and significance, that makes you remember seeing the time.

It happens because when you see the time you give it more mental attention, make it more significant, than you do when seeing other times. And that is the meaning: You give it extra or different attention when you see the time.

If there is any other meaning, it would be subjective. Numerology has no calculations for why a person sees a number or remembers seeing it.

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