Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Running Across 88 and 86

I keep running across the numbers 88 and 86. This has never happened to me before and I'm not sure if this is good luck or I'm supposed to be aware of something that I am not. Please help.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Let me make a capability statement first, then talk about the meanings of the numbers 88 and 86.

Numerology is good at calculating the meaning of numbers people see repeatedly, but not so much when it comes to calculating personal reasons for seeing the numbers; the meaning of the numbers being seen but generally not the reason for seeing them.

Sometimes there is correlation with the person's numerology chart. Sometimes there isn't. In your case, neither 88 or 86, nor their reduced numbers, are at any major positions of your numerology chart.

Each person's personal reason for seeing certain numbers may indeed be unique.

To help you determine what the personal reasons are for you seeing those particular numbers, follow the links to articles on the reasons for seeing certain numbers repetitively index page.

The numbers you're seeing are in your environment to see. There are other numbers in the environment that you don't see, at least not often enough to be notable.

One possible scenario is the following.

It may be that a random series of numbers you saw in the recent past notable event happened to have the numbers 88 and 86 in them. If you wondered at that moment why you saw the numbers, a mystery was created.

This is all hypothetical, as I don't really know the circumstances when you first noticed those numbers.

The mind doesn't like unsolved mysteries. Therefore, whenever the numbers 88 or 86 are in your environment, your conscious attention is drawn to them, the source of the mystery.

Incidents like that can happen and would be one explanation for repeatedly seeing the same numbers.

Now, let's talk about the essence or basic numerology meaning of the numbers 88 and 86.

The number 88 resonates with (among other things) introspection, efficiency, business, and a tendency to thoroughly analyze situations and ideas before moving ahead with them.

The number 86 resonates with (among other things) a personal sense of freedom, adventure, efficiency, and business.

Follow the links in the above two paragraphs for much more information about those two numbers.

The primary similarities of the two numbers have to do with efficiency and business-related activities.

The primary differences have to do with how projects and actions are initiated. 88 tends to think things through, looking inward for answers. 86 tends to act without thinking all that much about it beyond determining feasibility and desirability.

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