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11:26 Everywhere on Everything

I see 11:26 everywhere on everything. This has been going on for over a year now. I will see 11:26 morning and evening. I have pulled up to a gas pump and the person before me pumped 11:26. I have sent text message and the replies will come in at 11:26. What does it mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

It means you're remembering seeing your birth date numbers.

A person sees many, many numbers during the course of a day. But only a few are remembered.

Those that are remembered generally have personal meaning to you or emotional significance. See Why You Start Seeing Certain Numbers Again and Again for an explanation.

When you wonder why you're seeing certain numbers, perhaps wondering if there's a special personal meaning in it or somebody's trying to tell you something, then at that point you mentally set up a mystery.

When there's a mystery, the subconscious tries to direct your conscious attention to whatever might help to solve it. That includes the numbers you're wondering about whenever they're in your environment to be seen.

That causes you to see those number even more often. And of course you remember the seeing. Until after a while it seems as if you're seeing the numbers all the time. See Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time for an explanation about that.

Until last year, your life period cycle number was the number 11. (It's now the number 8.) Nowhere else does the number 11 or the number 26 appear in your numerology chart. Therefore, I think it's only the fact that 11 and 26 are your birthday numbers, not an additional influence from your chart, that you're seeing and remembering those numbers as often as you are.

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