Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Drawn to the Number 7
I am drawn to the number 7... Never knew why... But have noticed that the number 7 surrounds every decision ... I continue to help anyone in need without benefit to myself and sometimes even taking from my self in order to give to others... Not without the realization or knowledge of such repercussions but without concern and care... Does this reoccurring action have anything to do with the number 7?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology meaning of the number 7 has much to do with looking inward for answers, generally connecting with ancient wisdom. It's a spiritual number that's also analytical, intuitive, and scientific minded.
Although I don't see the number 7 in any major position of your chart, it does resonate well with the number of your major name numbers, each of which is represented by the same number, the number 9.
The actions and approaches you describe in your question look very much to be a blend of 7 and 9. The 7 for the answers of what to do and the 9 for the concern and unselfishness.
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