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It Has Become Strange Seeing All These Numbers

Why do I see a lot of 11:11, 1;11, 11:24, and a lot of 7, 17, 57 in and out of my daily life without looking for them. It has become strange in recent months. What is causing this

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There are a lot of numbers in the environment and it's impossible to ignore them all.

Perhaps the reason it has become strange is because you're unaware that seeing numbers is normal.

If you wonder why you see certain numbers and don't resolve the mystery, your subconscious is likely to make you aware of the numbers whenever they're available in your immediate attention environment. So you're likely to see those numbers more often than you would have otherwise.

Even with no curiosity, a person will see certain numbers more often than other numbers. Certain numbers are present more frequently than other numbers. A perfect distribution would be highly anomalous.

When a person tends to be more aware of the immediate environment during certain periods of the day, the numbers prevalent during those periods will be noticed more than numbers prevalent in other periods.

Perhaps one of the reasons you're seeing the number 11 so much is because like attracts like - your current pinnacle number, since year 2002, is 11. (Your pinnacle number from 1984-1992 also was 11.)

The 7 is also represented well in your chart. Your name number and your power number are 7. Also two of your past life period cycle numbers.

But that doesn't explain the rest of the numbers. I don't see those in any major positions of your numerology chart.

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