Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
12, 21, and 12:21
Im still fairly new to spiritual development in self and last night I closed my eyes and ask my spirit guided to speak to me. This is the second time I've tried and unlike the first i actually felt (i just had a feeling in me that my question got through) and a little bit later i want to write down a line to a poem I started to think of and I meant to right the date at the top of the page which is 1/11 but instead I look at the alarm clock which said 12:21 and began to write that down. Just wanted to know if this number has significance...and if so what does it mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
As perhaps a coincidence (which is outside the realm of numerology, noted here in case it helps), the "12" was the day of the month and the "21" was the last two digits of the year.
The numbers do represent certain numerology energies, as all numbers do. The number 12 and the number 21 resonate with similar energies, creative self-expression being one of them. The number 12:21, however, resonates with the ideas of home, family, nurture, and some others.
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