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11:11 on Clocks

I keep seeing the numbers 11:11 on clocks. Literally every day. I'm wondering if its my late father trying to contact me. He died 10 years ago. I am hoping for a career development to evolve soon. It is beginning to unsettle me......any ideas?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The numbers 11 and 11:11 (1111) have many different meanings, depending on who's talking.

For numerological meanings, see the following:

Find other questions and answers related to 11 and 11:11

Reasons for seeing the same number over and over again

The essence of the numerology number 11

The essence of the numerology number 1111 (and 11:11)

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