Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
911 In 2005, Now Seeing It Again
I used to see 911 all of the time starting 2005 and I just saw 911 again since then. What could this mean?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Good for you on ceasing the repetitive seeing of 911 back in 2005. Not that it's bad, but because the frequent seeing of a number can lead a person into wondering what it's all about and, for some people, even fear.
The number 911 resonates with your numerology heart's desire and your numerology life path.
911 = 911, 9+1+1 = 11 Heart's desire = 65, 6+5 = 11 Life path = 29, 2+9 = 11
The heart's desire number is calculated from the vowels of the name. Your heart's desire number is 65, before reducing the number for your numerology chart.
The life path number is calculated from the birth date. Your life path number is 29, before reducing for your chart.
The master number 11 is present in each: 911, 65, and 29.
When a master number is encountered during reduction for a numerology chart, the reduction stops there. It is not further reduced to a single digit. (There are some exceptions, that don't apply in this response to your question. But if you're curious, 11 reduces to 2: 1+1 = 2)
The master number 11 is highly intuitive, perhaps the most intuitive number of all. The number is evidence of spiritual illumination and access to the subconscious.
With the number 911 resonating with both your heart's desire number and your life path number, it isn't surprising to me that you see 911 more often than would be normal for others. Like does attract like.
The following is for others who are reading my response to your question:
Seeing a certain number again and again is neither good nor bad. It just is.
If it is bothersome, try not to let it bother you. Once it no longer bothers you, it should happen less often.
If it continues to bother you, and you wonder why you keep seeing the number, find a plausible answer. When the question is answered completely, the number should appear in your consciousness less and less as time goes on.
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