Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?

Seeing Double-Digit and Repetitive Numbers

Hi...I wanna know why I'm seeing this double digit numbers like 11.11 12.12 .....19.19 20.20 21.21?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Looking at your numerology chart, it appears you're predisposed to noticing double-digit numbers and number repetitions.

You're likely to notice them more often during periods when you wonder why you're seeing certain numbers again and again. The mystery tends to make it happen more often. But even without the mystery, you're likely to occasionally see doubled and repetitive numbers.

Your destiny number is the number 11, a double-digit number.

The first two of your life period cycles are the number 8 — the number 8 repeated, making it a repetitive number. The last three of your four challenge numbers are the number 7 — the number 7 repeated twice, also repetitive.

Your four pinnacle cycles numbers alternate with the number 7 and the number 9. The numbers 7, 9, 7, 9 could be considered as repetitive number sets. In other words, a repetitive pattern.

With the double number, repeating numbers, and repeating patterns, it's likely you'll occasionally notice doubled and repetitive numbers during your lifetime.

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