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Glancing at Clock when Time Mimics Birth Date

I keep glancing at the clock when the time mimics my birthdate; July 24/7:24. I used to only see it a few times a month, now it has gotten to be numerous times a day. Mainly the sequence :24 keeps showing up more often like on battery levels and even the timers. It started getting questionable when I would look at a timer and for the second I see the number it's on :24. Is someone really trying to get ahold of me and fast? Or is it just my lucky number?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

What you describe appears to be a textbook case of accelerated seeing of certain numbers.

Noticing ones birthdate in the environment is fairly common. People seem to be attuned to the numbers representing their birth date. They're familiar and personal and, thus, a natural attraction for a person's conscious attention.

After a few times of noticing their birth date numbers on a clock or elsewhere in the person's vicinity, the person might wonder if there's special or personal meaning attached to seeing those numbers so often.

That's when the acceleration starts.

See the why people keep seeing certain numbers article for more information about the acceleration.

The number 24 is represented in your numerology chart only for the date of birth. The number 7 is represented in your chart as the month of birth and as your first life period cycle. In personal year and shorter cycles, 7 will occur occasionally, but 24 won't.

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