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Science Major Repetitively Seeing 9:11 on Clocks

Very confused and eager for information...and I'm a physics/science major, ha ha. Starting [4 years ago], I started seeing the number 9:11 on clocks...constantly. Even on clocks that were several hours off/hadn't been "set" in ages. This all (coincidentally?) began when I re-developed feelings towards a girl who I once had a super-deep connection to (and visa versa). After a few years, I started seeing 11:11 and 1:11 in addition to the 9:11. I don't think to look at the clock (I don't do it often at all), yet it just happens. My dilemma with this girl is ongoing (still have feelings for her, afraid to contact her), and I'm unsure whether they're related or not. I just need to find an answer. Being a physics/science major, I'm taught that everything has a reason (or forcing) behind it. So if there is a metaphysical phenomenon occurring here, I'd love an answer...because I'm very confused and hungry for an answer. Thanks so much.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Generally, numbers and sets of numbers are noticed more often when they have personal meaning or emotional significance for the person. It's the base for how a person starts seeing certain numbers repetitively.

As a physics and science major, you'll fully accept the fact that there are lots of numbers in people's environments.

Yet, at times, a person will notice only certain numbers. Or, if they notice other numbers, the noticing is forgotten or relegated to insignificant status. The person believes it's the only number or set of numbers they ever see.

The ones that are noticed and remembered have personal meaning or emotional significance attached to them. A number is just a number. A number represents things, but by itself it is inert with no power of its own. Numbers don't pull a person's attention to them. Rather, the person's consciousness is compelled to notice the number. Something, perhaps the subconscious, directs the person's attention.

Your personality number is the number 9 and your life path is the master number 11. Those are major numerology chart positions. Still, they are unlikely to have sufficient influence on your conscious attention to make you notice 9:11 again and again. Probably 9:11 has additional significance for you.

When a number is seen more often than expected, the person may wonder if there's a personal meaning or message in the fact. There's then even more personal investment and the number seen even more often. The Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time article has an explanation. Visually-related numbers may also start being seen — such as the "11" and "1" related to the "9:11" you've been seeing.

There may in fact be a personal meaning associated with seeing 9:11 as often as you do. But I'm aware of no numerology calculations to determine if there are such personal meanings or what the meanings might be.

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