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Birthdays Are All 6's

Both me and my close friends birthdays fall on a 6 or a multiple of 6. I was born on 9/6/83, another on 9/12/83, 9/18/83, 2/6/84 and 3/6/84. And another on 1/24/84 (that one is more of a stretch). Does that mean something significant?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The number 6 represents family, harmony, and healing.

First, I'll talk about the 6's in your numerology profile. Then, about numbers distribution.

The first vowel of your name is a number 6 letter. What the 6 represents feels important to you. The same vowel is also prominent in your family or last name, indicating an ancestry with the same importances. As in any family history, some express it positively, some negatively.

There are more number 6 letters in your name than any other number.

The number 6 has been your pinnacle number from birth until your birthday this year. Your middle life cycle number is the number 6, and that begins on your birthday this year. Pinnacles and life cycles are periods of extra assistance or enhanced vibration of the number.

About numbers distribution: Numbers are not evenly distributed. And they are not entirely random (although it may seem that way on occasion).

The same numbers tend to hang around with each other. Like similar temperatures hang around together in the sky, which produces clouds in places and clearness in others.

Like attracts like. There is a tendency to group.

Your numerology profile has many sixes. Thus, you are attracted to people and events that resonate with the number 6, and they are attracted to you. It doesn't mean you always get together. It just means there is a tendency to do so.

Birth dates of the number 6 resonate well with birth dates of the same number and with numbers that reduce to the number 6. The number 24, for example (2+4=6).

Birth day numbers 12 and 18, while multiples of 6, do not reduce to 6 (1+2=3 and 1+8=9). Because you are close friends with them, I'm thinking they probably have either an abundance of 6's in their name or 6's in major positions of their numerology profiles.

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