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Meanings of Combinations of 1, 7, and 11

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What do combinations of 1,7,and 11 mean?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The meanings would depend on what the numbers relate to. As an example, the energy represented by the number 1 in the destiny position of a numerology chart would be interpreted differently than the number 1 in a challenge cycle position.

In numerology, numbers represent certain energy. Combining the energy represented by the number 1 (independence, self-reliance, …) with the energy represented by the number 7 (introspection, knowledge, …) would result in an energy with the resonances of both.

However, combining the numbers first, so the number 1 combined with the number 7 is the number 17, the energy the number represents is quite different. (Follow the link to read about the resulting energy.) Combined in reverse order to get the number 71 would result in an energy similar to 17, but with different nuances.

Likewise with other combinations of the three numbers you specified: 711, 117, 111, 1711, 1171, 1117. Use the number meanings index to look those up. For the numbers that aren't in the list at the number meanings index page, the meaning of any number calculator can be used.

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