Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
12:34 Every Day
I am always looking at the clock, every day, at 12:34. It's starting to really weird me out. I have even started texting family members and my fiancé whenever I see this number just for validation and how much it occurs during the day. I'm not sure what this means and I was hoping for some answers. The reason I have given two names for my birth name is because I was born with the name [name removed], but at 6 weeks I was adopted and my name was changed to [name removed]. I didn't know which one had more significance so I gave both. I do not know very much about my birth family so I don't know if its someone that is trying to make me aware of their presence or not. And with my adopted family, the only people that are deceased are family members that I never got the chance to meet. If you could please help me figure out what this means, that would be amazing. I am truly freaked out by this re-occurring event.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
There are several ways to look at this. I'll address what I consider the three most likely to provide an answer for you. Perhaps one will be the answer you're looking for.
One Way To Look At It
In numerology, 1234 calculates to a full circle.
Multi-digit numbers generally (but not always) are reduced to their single-digit value for numerology charts. To reduce a number, add together each digit of the number. If the result is more than 9, add the digits of the result. Keep doing that until the result is a single digit.
1234 reduces in this way:
1+2+3+4 = 10 1+0 = 1
Because 1234 reduces to the digit 1, the circle is 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1, etc.
Perhaps 1234 simply means you are complete within yourself. Which may be the answer to your question. The most simple answer often is the correct one.
Another Way To Look At It
Another method is to consult the individual digits of the number 1234.
Looking at the digits individually, 1 2 3 4, suggests a methodical approach to something.
Your current name contains a 1 (all letters total, also known as the destiny number) and a 3 (consonants total, also known as the personality number) in major positions, and your birth date calculates to a life path number 2, also a major position. Thus, the first three numbers are present.
Your birth name contains a 1 (consonants total, personality number), a 2 (vowels total, also known as the heart's desire number), and a 3 ( all letters total, destiny number). Again, the first three numbers are present.
The first three numbers are present doing calculations with either the current or the birth name and your birth date.
The only major position the 4 is found in your numerology chart is as a challenge number. (Challenge numbers are calculated from the birth date.)
The challenge number 4 relates to maintaining focus, bringing in a sufficient and predictable income, and/or following established methods and recommended procedures.
Thus, the answer to your question may be that it is an invitation to accept the 4's challenge and meet it to complete the circle. Meeting the challenge is first accepting it and then, through education, experience, and persistence get to the point where you can maintain focus, consistently bring in adequate income, and recognize the value of the idea of following established methods (even though you know some individual methods and procedures may be incorrect or incomplete).
Perhaps 1234 means when the 4's challenge has been met, the 1234 circle will be complete.
Still Another Way To Look At It
Still another approach is considering the two sets of numbers individually in the time 12:34 – the numbers 12 and 34.
There is no 12 and no 34 in any major positions of your numerology chart. However, their reduced numbers are:
1+2 = 3 3+4 = 7
Earlier, we noted the 3 is present in both your current and birth names.
The 7 is present in a major number position only in your current name (the vowels total, the heart's desire number).
One thing about the numerology heart's desire number is that it is exactly that, a heart's desire.
The number represents helpful energies that are present to assist progress toward the desire. However, even if in reality the desire is reached, the person rarely feels like it's been fulfilled. It's the nature of this trait's desire to never admit the desired has been accomplished (otherwise, the desire's existence would no longer be justifiable, and it must be justifiable because it is part of the name).
The number 7's essence is introspective, analytical, spiritual, intuitive, and wise. When representing a heart's desire, it translates to a desire to find answers about oneself. Also a desire to be able to think things through and for a real connection with the spiritual and intuitive. Introspection generally has much significance with a 7 as the heart's desire number.
Perhaps 12:34 means you (the 3 [1+2] being present in both your current and birth names) desire to know yourself (the 7 [3+4] being present only in your current name). It may simply be a reflection of what is.
Which Name To Use
The essence of your birth name will always be with you. Because your current name is the only one you've used and the one you've been known as for all but a few months of your life, it is highly likely to have more influence than your birth name does.
My guess is your current name is the most accurate for numerology readings.
You can find out for yourself by getting a reading for each of the names and comparing them. The one describing you best is the best one to use for numerology readings. At least for the present.
Life circumstances can change and it is even possible you may change your name. When that happens and if you are curious which name to use, do the comparison again.
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