Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life

How To Motivate Myself

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I have a lackadaisical outlook and it's because of where I live. It doesn't fit me. How do I motivate myself?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unfortunately, numerology doesn't directly produce motivation. Motivation has to come from inside you — even if the reason is something from the outside.

Personal numerology reveals the energy represented by letters and numbers of names and birth dates. The energy is interpreted to discover likelihoods and tendencies. The energies are not insistent, always deferring to free will for the living of life.

What you might be experiencing is incompatibility of location with your numerology numbers. To find out, follow these steps:

  • Get a free numerology reading and note the destiny number.

  • Using the same page, but without a birth date, get the destiny number for the country you live in. Then do the same for both the region (state/province/...) and city you live in.

  • Use the table at the compatible and incompatible numbers page to see if any of the location destiny numbers are highly incompatible with your destiny number. If more than one is highly incompatible, it may have an effect.

There is also the street address and house number compatibility calculator that provides a compatibility quotient with your name and your house number and with your name and your street address.

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