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Finding Life Purpose

What is my life's purpose?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Numerology reveals things through calculation of name and birth date letter and number values. It's unsuited for strictly psychic perception. Psychic Aspects of Numerology Readings talks about that.

Be that as it may, perhaps I can help out a bit anyway. First, conclusions from my own life experience. Then, a numerological approach.

Generally, a person's life purpose is reflected in what they're currently doing and not doing. Not always, but generally the actions a person takes are consistent with what is exciting for the person and feels right.

Those two, the feeling of excitement and the deep down feeling of rightness, can be considered to feel like they do because they resonate with the person's life purpose.

With numerology, the life path number is the closest single number in a numerology chart that's related to purpose. In fact, some numerologists call the life path number the life purpose number.

It's related to action, the things a person does and doesn't do. The life path number is a clue to the events and circumstances that tend to come up again and again as life is lived. The number represents energies available to guide a person toward certain conclusions and actions, which are a huge clue to the person's life purpose.

Because you have a life path number 3, your purpose most likely has something to do with creative expression. It can, but doesn't necessarily, mean creating artistic work. It does, however, mean a creative approach to communication, with recipients likely to feel something related to the message you're wanting to get across.

Now, there are only nine different life path numbers (twelve if the master numbers are counted). And there certainly are more than nine or twelve different purposes for the people of earth.

To obtain a more defined answer, some or most of the rest of the numerology chart may also be considered.

The life period cycle numbers would be consulted after the life path number. Those three cycles can provide an overview of the changes in events and circumstances, and in what a person is likely to consider most important, as one cycle is finished and another begun. The third cycle can be studied to get a sense of what the purpose of life is likely to be.

You're just now entering your third life period cycle. It, too, is the number 3. With it and your life path being the same number, it's more likely that your life purpose is related to creative expression.

The power number can also be consulted. The energy represented by the power number comes into force about midlife and remains until transition to the next aspect of existence.

With your power number 6, my impression is that the creative expression life purpose is likely to relate to home, health, nurturing, or a personal understanding of an ideal.

Other aspects of a numerology chart can be consulted. Use the free numerology reading at this website or obtain a professional, in-depth reading delivered by people we have a business association with.

Numerology won't provide a concise statement of what your individual purpose is. Studying your chart, however, is likely to provide a huge gain in conceptual understanding.

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