Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Confused About What to Become

I'm confused about what I want to become?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The first step is to determine what you are. Numerology is an excellent tool for that.
A quick overview can be had with a free numerology reading.
Then, find out about your current pinnacle cycle, life period cycle, and challenges.
There is more, but those will provide the information for a good grounding.
Now, when you determine what you want to become, you'll know where you're coming from. No amount of mapping will help to get there unless both the starting point and the ending point are known.
If your question about what to become is related to career, the career suggestions tool can be used to list types of careers that resonate well with your numerology chart.
If your question about what to become is related to you as a person, who and what you will be sometime in the future, one clue is the destiny number. The energy the destiny number represents includes both who and what you are now and who and what you will be in the future.
The destiny energy is a base. From that you can pretty much determine for yourself what you become.
"Becoming" implies a process, so let's look at the life path number. Yours is the number 5, which represents, among other things, an energy that expresses its sense of personal freedom. The number 5 is open to experience pretty much anything. Trying to pin down a 5 to exactly what to become is often a futile activity; the 5 energy prefers to experience as it goes along and see where it ends up at.
One way to loosely harness the 5 energy, so to speak, is to determine a broad goal, a spot in the distance, like a distant range of mountains, for a metaphor — a goal upon which to orient. Then keep that goal in mind as other interests swerve a person off the path now and then. The fringe interests will wane sooner or later and the direction toward the goal can be resumed.
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