Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Daily Life
Anything Positive Coming to My Life
I need to know if there is anything positive coming to my life. Please include family, career, happiness, money, etc if possible. I have seen repetitive double digits of most numbers and triple digits of the remainder for months. Thanks.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can be used to determine numerology-related meanings of numbers.
Positive and negative, however, are subjective — subject to how a person perceives the various events and circumstances and how life in general is perceived.
Numerology can provide various readings and interpretations that reveal tendencies and likelihoods. Use the free numerology reading at this website. Then the pinnacle cycle calculator and life period cycle calculator at our sister numerology website.
Seeing identical double- and triple-digit numbers isn't as unusual as it may seem. When a person sees a certain type of number, any remarkable number such as the same digit repeated within a number, birth date numbers, or numbers with personal significance, they tend to remember it. When a person wonders if there's a personal meaning associated with seeing the numbers, that's when the person starts seeing the same type of numbers more often. Why People See Certain Numbers All the Time explains how that is.
The master number 11 is the number of your destiny, your heart's desire, and your life path numerology chart positions. With that double digit number occurring so often in your chart, it's likely that you tend to remember the number when you see it.
The number meanings index page has links to pages about individual double- and triple-identical-digit number meanings.
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