Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Cyclic Changes
My Next Step in Life
What is my next step in life?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can be consulted to see what the current tendencies are and the general types of events and circumstances likely in the future. But to determine what your next step is, you'll first need to determine where you want to go to.
Knowing about the energies represented by your numerology chart is great assistance for some people. It can clarify things for a person so that they're better able to determine what their goals are. You can get started with a free reading, then peruse the list of free online numerology calculators and tools for aspects you're curious about or feel there is more to know about.
Knowing about cyclic changes as calculated by numerology can be a heads-up for changes that are likely in a person's life. With that information at hand, contingencies can be prepared for.
It will be about 5 years for any major cycle changes in your chart.
However, there are shorter cycles. As an example, a yearly cycle, called the personal year, predicts certain energy changes year by year. Knowing about the energy represented by the personal year can make a difference to how a person approaches the now.
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