Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family

Newborn Name Spelling

Hi, My son born on [birth date removed]. Have kept his name [name removed]. Want to know that whether this name spelling is correct or not according to numerology. Also whether this name is also suitable for him or not. Thanks.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The name is good and the numbers are good. Get a free numerology reading for some of his numerology chart numbers and short interpretations.

Whether or not the name is suitable depends on what he wishes to do when he is experienced enough to make those types of decisions.

You, as his parent, undoubtedly want the best for your son. And you probably have an idea of what the best would be — the type of career, his family and children, his material sufficiency.

But it's hard to know what a newly born person will want when they grow up. So parents do the best they can. If a name change is desired by your son in the future, he will have the option to do so.

The best name for my baby article may be helpful.

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