Numerology Answers > Personal Relationships > Family
Kind of Person My Ancestor Was

Can I learn about one of my ancestors- like the kind of person he was- from a reading from their birth date and birth name?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
If you know your ancestor's birth name and birth date, then you can get a numerology reading at this website.
The reading contains tendencies and likelihoods. In other words, the reading can give you a plausible idea of the kind of person your ancestor is likely to have been and the kinds of things they are likely to have encountered while living their life.
If you know only their birth name or only their birth date, you can still get special readings. The tools index page contains lists of free numerology calculators. Some of those require only a birth date. Others only a birth name.
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