Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Only Two Names Allowed, First and Last

Please, I wish to know how to sign according the law in Germany which allows only two names. Have a family name before [name removed], I use here. Or if only signature matters: [name removed]. I normally sign: [name removed]. On the Birth Certificate: [name removed]. It seems only [name removed] is Ok. The question: I do not know how to balance. WHAT IS NAME IS BEST? The problem: 25 years of university (as student and later work in parallel) and financial life too much up and too much down last 20 years almost down and dependable. A B.A.( four years) in English/German Language Literature; Clinical Psychology M.A. and Psychoanalysis (Training: 10 years): Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering: would like to improve my financial life. As Psychoanalyst I got sometimes a situation but do not stable. Lived in 4 continents, included countries like CANADA and FRANCE ( by myself) and in others by UN due marriage and now I have to do an action urgent in order to accomplish my ideas, theories, goals and of course, a stable financial life. It was almost. Ok...but I should settle down. My vocation is Choreographer and/or Authentic Movement Therapy. My profession is Psychoanalyst but I think it could be great to be near my vocation. Wish balance focusing Financial Life. It is a real catastrophe now. Thank you for your read, time and consideration.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The name to choose is the one that most closely resonates with your reason for choosing the name.

As an example, if you're choosing a name in relation to being a choreographer, then the name to choose is one that best resonates with that profession.

Determine the reason for choosing the name. Then use the free numerology reading feature at this web site for each two-name variation you can make with your current name.

When you have each name's reading in front of you, choose the one that's most appropriate.

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