Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Name Change for Better Future Prospects
1. Any change in my name for better future prospects. 2. My strengths and weakness.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Because your current prospects weren't communicated nor what things you consider to be better, I'll provide a general guideline you may use to pursue your answer.
The future is determined by you, by what you do and don't do today and every day until that point in time you think of as the future. There may be unanticipated events, of course, perhaps real surprises. Still, it is your reactions to them that determine your future.
Prospects are generally determined by things like the economy, social considerations, and activities of others. Personal name changes generally have no effect on prospects.
Events and circumstances related to a personal numerology chart are tendencies and likelihoods revealed by calculations of the person's date of birth, not their name.
Misconceptions About Name Changes is a good article to read.
A personal name change can affect how a person perceives themself, how they approach life, and the types of things that tend to be attracted to or reflected from their personal environment.
The very first thing to do when a person considers the possibility of changing their name is to come up with a highly detailed answer to "Why?"
The answer should include the personal characteristics the person wants that they don't now have. Name Change Guide can help with that. But before following the guide, get a free numerology reading for an overview of some of the important chart aspects that include your current personal characteristics.
When you have a list of characteristics you want that you don't now have, go to A Succinct List of Number Meanings and determine the number or numbers (two at the most) that encompass all or most, or at least the most important, of the characteristics on your list.
As the final step, make a list of names that are acceptable to you, then use the Best Name Finder to help you find the best name on your list.
In relation to your second question, both the idea of "strengths" and of "weaknesses" are subjective. When you get the personal numerology reading suggested further above, you can decide which parts of the reading you consider to be strengths and which parts you consider to be weaknesses.
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