Numerology Answers > Name Changes

My Name Doesn't Suit Me the Best

Feeling like my name doesn't suit me the best. Also don't know which would. Can you please give me some advice on this? I have a name which was given to me in church also (Monika), but it isn't in my birth documents.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

For numerology readings, use the name given at birth and recorded on official birth documents.

The number 4 is missing from your numerology chart, except for yearly and shorter cycles. But that's not necessarily a negative. Many wonderful charts have a number missing.

Your current first name tends to predispose you toward independence and self-reliance. The energies of first letter and the first vowel are both represented by the number 1.

If Monika is put in front, you would get the number 4 as the first letter and the number 6 as the first vowel. Instead of independence, you would then experience more a need to work toward a secure foundation for your family's future.

The first letter is the cornerstone letter and the first vowel is the open heart letter. I talked about those, not because they are more important than other positions, they aren't, but because they're rarely included in free numerology readings.

There's much, much more to consider. Read the articles linked from the changing names index.

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