Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Lucky Name for Successful Acting Career
I want a successful acting career, is my name lucky for that?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Let's first talk about your numerology life path number 4 (calculated form birth date). The 4 is good for maintaining an acting career – good for maintaining pretty much any career.
But the 4 is not good for the work and process of acting itself, except perhaps for method acting. But not creative acting.
The work and process of acting is required for establishing an acting career. Once the career is in place, the 4 is good for helping to maintain it. But the 4 is not much good for creating the career.
The name you provided with your question has little support for acting.
A well-considered professional name might help you. The professional name could have a predominate 3 influence and perhaps also some 5 influence. The professional name is how you would be known as the actor. Your personal name does not necessarily need to change (although that is an option.)
Make a list of professional names that are appropriate for actors and that appeal to you.
Use the free numerology reading form to get a reading for each name. Scroll down to the "Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal" section and find the number.
If the destiny number is a 3 or 5, it may be a good name for an actor. If the number at the "Your Personality" section is also a 3 or 5, then that makes the name even better.
But if the "Heart's Desire" section number is a 3 or a 5, it would mean an urge to create and express, and may assist in reaching the acting goal, but internally there would continue to be the urge, always a need to reach the goal more or better. The urge is a desire, not something that is recognized as fully accomplished. For acting, it is more desirable to have a 3 or 5 as the destiny or personality number. However a heart's desire number 3 or 5 is prudent if neither destiny nor personality have it.
An acceptable acting name should have:
- A 3 or 5 destiny number.
- A 3 or 5 personality number if possible.
- A heart's desire number that is not 3 or 5 unless neither the destiny or personality numbers are 3 or 5.
If you end up with more than one acceptable name on your list, you can select the one you like best.
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