Numerology Answers > Name Changes

I Changed My Name Recently

Hi there, I changed my name recently and I don't feel good in my own skin since then... I don't feel to be myself and the numbers of my new name are picturing a person I don't even like (and surely I don't want to become)! My birth name was [name removed], it became [name removed] (my Husband's family name). I'd love to keep my Husband's name as He's my soulmate, but I'm thinking about re-changing my name again for having a better connection with my own self and life purpose... The new name would be [name removed], in this way: - I'd keep my East European origins in my first name (who I was born to be), - keep my connection to my late husband (who was Italian - the life I chose to live and is a huge part of who I am today), - move forward to my future (living in an English speaking territory, which is my ultimate dream) and at the same time returning back to who I was meant to be before incarnating to this life (same family name, but in another language). Does "[name removed]" resonate better with my birthday ([birth date removed). than "[name removed]" does?! Numerology is new to me and I really need advice on what to do! Thank you so much for your answer in advance, P (Please don't publish names and birthday!)

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Yes, it's good to be certain of the new name before changing to it so it doesn't have to be done again. To a greater or lesser degree, the energy of previous names will tag along when a name is changed.

Your life path (your birth date number) is the master number 22. When 22 is reduced to a single digit (for comparing with other numerology chart positions), it becomes the number 4.

The number 4 is also the heart's desire number of your birth name. Something yearned for is supported by your life path. A nice leveling out.

It isn't necessary to make a name resonate with a birth date. But if you wish to do that, the chart of compatible and incompatible numbers can be consulted during the process of determining whether or not to assign your proposed new name to yourself.

When doing research for your name, you're welcome to use the free numerology reading form. In addition to the short interpretations of a few numerology chart positions generally provided by free readings, consult several other aspects of your numerology chart. Tools for them are at our sister website.

Almost two years ago, your life period cycle number changed to the number 8. It was a change from a relationship number (the number 2) to a business number. Your personality number is also the number 8. Most likely you felt the accompanying energy alignment with your name's personality number.

Because there certainly are considerations and experiences not mentioned in your question, I'm not in position to advise whether or not to proceed with the name you're considering.

With your cornerstone letter "P", I expect you tend to think things through before proceeding with a change, especially a change with potential long-term effects. With the information available at our sister numerology website and at other websites on the internet, I expect you'll be able to come to a final decision fairly quickly.

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