Numerology Answers > Name Changes

How Long After Name Change Do the Energies Kick In?

How long after changing your name until you start to notice/feel and/or see a difference in personality or character and attitude? Is there any sorta possible timeline or length of time it may usually or typically take before it has any noticeable "real" effects? I ask because I got married a year ago, at the end of this month actually is our one year anniversary and I changed my name when I got married and this is also my first name change and marriage, and am curious if or even when the name would really start to have any sorta effect on me. The name change increases my already excessive number of 5's in my chart too so I feel like this would be one of those numbers that would be a noticeable addition to my number matrix.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Two things affect the type of changes and when you would start noticing them.

To notice changes and to understand which changes came from a name change instead of from other life events, you'll need to determine what changes the new name is likely to bring.

So that's the first thing to do, determine what changes your new name is likely to bring. To do that, get a numerology reading for your birth name and for your married name. Compare the two readings. The differences indicate likely changes.

When you'll notice the changes depends on how much you identify with the new name. As more and more you identify your personal perception of who you are as the person of the new name, you're likely to sense the additional energy the new name provides. The timing could be a month, a year, a decade, or longer.

However, the energies of the birth name never go away. They do become less forceful as a person identifies with the new name. But they never disappear altogether.

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