Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Finding a Balanced Name for Myself

Hi there, my names [name removed], I'm from Woodstock On, I'm nineteen years old, some people call me [name removed], and I'm writing to you now because all my life I've had a problem. I feel like I can never reach my full potential no matter how hard I try. Lately I've been reading up on names and how everyone needs a balanced one, and I came across something on a website called a "name report". I filled out this name report and it sent me an email moments later. The report was filled with numerous character traits I with held because of my name. To my astonishment, it described me to the tee. I thought, "maybe it was just a lucky coincidence", so I sent for a name report on my own mother.... to my amazement... it described her exactly as well.... I'm extremely curious on finding a balanced name for myself.. I have a lot of issues I can never seem to solve that were mentioned in this name report and I feel it would be a miracle if this had something to do with it. If I could keep my first name that would be for the better :p So ya... my names [name removed]. I was born on [birth date removed]. Please email me back !!!! XD

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

No name will solve all issues or make a person always satisfied and happy. If there were such a name, everybody would have it.

All names have challenges. No name makes a completely balanced numerology chart (unless the definition of "balance" being used is different than my own, which is each influence being equal to every other influence.)

The numerology chart of all names have at least one trait that tends to make the person continuously feel a desire to achieve something. It's called the heart's desire number. Every name with at least one vowel has a heart's desire number.

I'm unsure what your heart's desire is because the name you typed into the name field of the form (which is used to automatically calculate numerology numbers for me) and the name you put into your question are different. But you can get determine your heart's desire number with a free numerology reading.

Your life path number 4 (calculated from your birth date) tells me events and circumstances occurring as you live your life tend to be about building a firm foundation for the future and/or paying attention to details.

Get that free reading. It might help.

Let me mention something that often is missed. The challenge is to live up to ones name, not to cop out and trying this name and that name to see which name will do the best. Because no name does anything.

No name does anything for a person. No name creates security or wealth or health. However, names do have inclinations and tendencies. Still, what is accomplished in a life is based on action — your own action. A name has characteristics. But a name doesn't actually do anything, it just exists.

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