Numerology Answers > Name Changes

Changing Last Name to Mother's Maiden Name

Image for 'Changing Last Name to Mother's Maiden Name' numerology answer

I was thinking of changing my last name to my mother's maiden name (for many reasons, main one to cut myself off my father completely). It would be: [name removed]. How/what would change in my numerology then? Thanks! I love reading all your answers and learning something from daily emails.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

A new name does change things. Or, rather, it can. Name Change Effects talks about that.

Changing a name won't change any of the birth date-related numbers, including cycle numbers, except the power number. The power number is calculated from both name and birth date.

To see primary differences between your current name and the proposed new name, get a free numerology reading and compare the the two. Because a new name has the potential to change a person's life for as long as they live, it may be prudent to consult with a local professional numerologist who specializes in name changes.

Note that the energy represented by the birth name will always be present. The more you identify with the new name, the less effect the birth name energy has. Although it may become quiescent, the birth name energy never entirely goes away.

The ancestral traits of your family name are unlikely to change for you but can for any children you may have after the name change.

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