Numerology Answers > Name Changes
Change My Company Name
Sir I want to change my company name. Existing name was Nikhiranja construction. Please select one name from the selected new names, ie NRC engineers and builders, NRC builders, Nikhiranja builders and developers, Nikhiranja engineers and builders.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Many numerology chart numbers can be calculated from a name. Three of the numbers have more influence than the rest. They are the heart's desire number, the destiny number, and the personality number.
The destiny number and the personality number are likely to be more important for a construction business.
If the business is primarily focused on housing, it would be good to have the number 6 in one of those positions. If the company's focus is on roads or other projects that primarily benefit society, then the number 8. If the focus is on commercial or business construction, the number 8 or the number 4 for one of those positions.
The numbers for the various company names can be obtained from free numerology readings at this website.
Your own name has the number 6 as your heart's desire number. Your birth date has the number 6 as your life path number.
Having the number 6 in the company name could set up a nice resonance with your name.
None of your suggested names has F, O, or X as the first letter of the name, or O as the first vowel. (F, O, and X are letters with the numerical value 6.) Therefore, the number 6 might be included in one of the three most influential company name numbers — even if the construction is focused on areas other than homes and housing.
The index to company name articles has links to other pertinent information for your consideration.
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