Numerology Answers > Name Changes
An Extra 'L' for a Name

Can i change my name to llewin. U have put extra l to my name number.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology does not give permission. Nor does it restrict. As far as numerology goes, you are free to spell your name in whatever way you wish.
To help yourself make a final decision on whether or not you wish to change your name, let me suggest you get a numerology reading with your current name and another numerology reading with your proposed new name.
One place to get the readings is at this website's free numerology reading form.
When you have the two readings, compare them. See if you would really like that new person more than you like the person you currently are.
Realize that it can take months or even years for the energy represented by a new name to manifest enough to make a difference in your outlook on life. Also, the birth name energy never completely leaves your environment, although the energy of a new name may become predominant.
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