Numerology Answers > Specific Numerology Aspects

Personality and Quiescent Self Numbers Always the Same

Your reading always has the same number for the personality and the quiescent self. Why is that? Aren't they ever different?

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

With the free numerology reading at this website, the personality number and the quiescent self number will always be the same. Those two separate interpretations are from numbers arrived at with identical calculations — adding the numerical values of the consonants of the name and then reducing the result.

Although arrived at with the same calculations, the energies represented by the number at the personality position of the numerology chart are different than the energies represented by the number at the quiescent self position.

The energies are actually quite different. The personality energies are outward, having to do with how the person presents themself to others. The quiescent self energies, on the other hand, are inward, having to do with immersion in your personal perceptions of ideal existence and experiencing it in imagination.

The consonants of the name represent both the outward and the inward directions of the person's perception of self. Thus, there are two numerology chart positions for that one calculation.

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