Numerology Answers > What Does This Number Mean?
Constantly Seeing 13:13 On the Clock
I see constantly almost every day for a few years now, the number 13:13 when I am checking to see what time it is. Even if don't want to see what time it is, it's like something wants me to see the time at this specific moment. 13:13 o'clock.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The time 13:13 represents getting things done. It's a positive thing.
See the number 13 essence article for good information about the number 13.
The time 13:13 has 13 twice, making the influence double effective. If you can handle the purposeful persistence of the number 13, it's a very good number to have aligned with you.
Because 13 reduces to the number 4, it aligns well with your life path. Your life path is represented by your birth date and your birth date number is 4.
This year, 2013, is when your pinnacle cycle number and your life period cycle number both change.
The pinnacle number influences your destiny or, perhaps better expressed, the character you are and are becoming. It's changing from the number 11 to the number 1.
The life period number influences the type of events and circumstances likely to occur as life is lived. It's changing from the number 3 to the number 8.
This year 2013 will have had changes for you.
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