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11:34 and Hell

Every day I look at the clock and see it is 11:34. Twice a day... Its been like that for years. Upside down it spells "HELL". What does this mean? I get worried every time I see this and its become more frequent...

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

Unfortunately, I don't see how 11:34 upside down spells HELL. If a person mangles the digit 4 and then claims it's still a 4 and that it's also an H, well, that person is deceiving themself or is deliberately lying. A 4 is not an H. If the 4 is mangled to be shaped like an H, it is no longer a 4.

Regarding E and 3. One has rounded corners, the other square. One isn't the other, even if it's seen backwards, forwards, or upside down.

I realize some people are so enamored of their conclusions, or wish for certain results so much, that they'll deceive themselves into believing changing something into something else really keeps it as it is. But the fact is, when something is changed, it's no longer the way it was.

So don't give those people any credence. If they deliberately deceive once, they'll do it again.

If a 4 (upright or upside down) is made into an H, it is no longer a 4 – no matter how much it is believed or insisted on otherwise. Belief and insistence don't change facts.

However, belief is still belief, no matter what the actual facts are.

If you truly believe 11:34 spells HELL when it's upside down, then you must also believe it means the opposite when it's right side up. Let it be right side up. Why force it to be upside down?

The numerology essence of the number 11 includes intuition, spirituality, and charisma. It's highly capable when focused on a specific goal.

The numerology essence of the number 34 includes introspection, wisdom, spirituality, and analysis. It generally enjoys social activities and tends to express itself creatively.

The clock time 11:34 includes both of the above, and also compassion, idealism, tolerance, and philanthropy.

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