Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Starting Anew
Why Are We Stuck Here?
[significant partner birth name and date removed] We have a plan to move to Hawaii to open a yoga & paleo retreat -- but our house has been up for sale for 6 months and nothing. We both keep seeing tarot cards that say we must let something go -- that we are too attached to a person -- but neither of us feels we know what this means -- also I keep seeing 99's and 1221 222 777 everywhere. He keeps seeing 1234. Any help? We feel we are on the right path and know we can help many once our retreat gets going...but why are we stuck here?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Numerology can be used to calculate when certain cycles change and to calculate the numbers that represent certain energies that can affect a person. Other than that, it's not suitable for finding reasons why certain things are or are not happening, especially when the reasons would require psychic vision or sensitivity.
Almost always when a numerology chart major cycle changes, it also changes the cycle number and the person experiences a shift related to the number change. But that doesn't mean other changes can't occur. Changes don't have to consult numerology before proceeding.
The shortest major cycle is the yearly cycle named personal years.
Both you and your significant partner have the same personal year numbers. Toward the end of the year and into January, you'll experience a 4 to 5 personal year number change. As you'll see at that link, the change can be significant.
Because the energy represented by the number 5 is highly expressive of a personal sense of freedom, new experiences are more likely during its reign. That won't necessarily translate to a home sale and Hawaii move, but could help offset counter intentions or energies.
Cycles are calculated using birth date numbers. A calculating cycles tool can be used for other cycle calculations.
Here is a page for the meaning of the energy for the number 1221. The other numbers you asked about each have a page linked from the number meanings index page.
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