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Name Change for Country Change

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Hi, my name is [name removed] as of now, and will do required changes if I find good suggestions from you. I am Planning to settle abroad Canada specifically. I just want to know whether my name suites my DOB or do I need to do anything specific to settle overseas successfully. I am also struggling for money, job and harmony since last 4 years. I am working in real estate sales since 10 years would you suggest to change of profession also. Kindly revert if possible Regards.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

There is no numerology requirement for a name change to settle overseas successfully.

The name energy presented in a numerology chart (assuming Pythagorean numerology) is mostly related to the make-up of the person — their personal characteristics, outlook on life, desires, the individual they know themselves to be.

The birth date energy, on the other hand, is mostly related to events and circumstances experienced during the living of life.

It may be different for other numerology studies, but with Pythagorean numerology there is little overlap of name and birth date energy, and no compelling reason for trying to make them suit each other.

Careers often depend on both the economy of the geographical region and on what the person does and does not do. Generally, a career is pursued more successfully when the career resonates well with the person's personal numerology chart. The Career Suggestions tool is designed to present a list of types of careers that resonate with a person's name and birth date.

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