Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Starting Anew
Moving to a 16/7 House
I'm moving to a number 7 house, but the house is a 16/7. What are some obstacles I could face while living at this house, and how can I successfully navigate them? My life path number is 9.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The numerology energy of a house number affects a person only while they are physically within the area of the number's domain. External Influences and also Influence From External Numerology Energy go into more detail about that idea.
Because the 7 is reduced from 16, the external numerology energy includes resonances of independence and family that would not be present when reduced from a different number, 34 for example, or 115. With 16, the number 6 energy will resonate with your destiny number — generally considered a good thing.
The only obstacles I can think of that may be brought by the numerology energy is if you prefer an energy other than what 7 represents. For example, 7 energy is not supportive of romantic interludes like number 2 energy is.
9 life path energy and 7 energy are compatible — also generally considered a good thing.
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