Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Starting Anew
Moving to Second Floor, Wing A, Flat Number 8

Shortly I will be moving in a flat which is on second floor and number 8. It is in A wing of the complex. Now my question is how should I mentioned my address as in 'A wing Flat no 8' or A/8 (1+8=9= my birthday total 2+7=9) Will the energies be different?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
Yes, the numerology energies are highly likely to be different than the way they were at your previous address.
I'm somewhat uncertain what you meant about how you should mention your address. For postal delivery, mentioning the address the way the delivery person prefers would be prudent. And for friends, mentioning the address in a way that's easy for them to find you.
Let me address a few things about the numerology energy represented by addresses and locations. Perhaps it will answer your question or do so with more certainty.
The energies represented by the numbers of your numerology chart are internal influences.
The energies represented by flat numbers — and floor numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, license numbers, and so forth — are external influences.
What the energy represented by a number or letter resonates with is the types of events and situations it tends to attract.
External influences, in general, are less important than internal influences. But external influences can have an effect on a person.
Like all external influences, their effective area needs to be considered.
A flat number's effective area is the flat itself — the rooms within the area of the flat. The wing number or alphabetical designation has an effective area of all flats in the wing. Similar with the floor number. And the building's street address has an effective area of all the floors, wings, and flats at the address.
For external influences, the most immediate effective area has the greatest influence. Thus, the flat number is the most important for the situation you asked about, followed by the wing designation. Then the floor number.
Thus, the flat itself is influenced most by the energy represented by the numerology number 8.
Wing A is influenced by number 1 energy. But when it includes your flat, it resonates with number 9 energy (A(1)+8=9).
While you are in your flat, the prominent energy is that represented by the number 8. The 8 energy is also influenced some by the 1 energy (Wing A) and also the floor number 2 and other energies of encompassing areas. But the 8 is the strongest when you are in your flat.
External influences have little influence outside the area of the influence. When you leave your flat, you leave the 8 energy influence and step into the 1(A) wing energy.
There is a possibility that the flat number 8 energy will influence areas outside your flat. It can happen when the 8 energy accompanies you as you go to areas other than your flat. In other words, when you bring the energy with you. (The 8 energy would accompany you if its influence while you are in your flat remains with you when you leave your flat.)
The street address and house number calculator may help you see aspects that you hadn't previously considered.
Internal influences represented by your numerology chart are with you perpetually. External influences are with you only when you are within the area of their influence.
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