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Meaning of Apartment and Street Numbers and Chart Numbers

Image for 'Meaning of Apartment and Street Numbers and Chart Numbers' numerology answer

Does this mean anything? My partner and i applied to live in an apartment which has a street address number totaling 9 (he's a life path 9) and an apartment number totaling 5 (I'm a life path 5).

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

The energy represented by the apartment number and the street address can have influence only while you are physically within the apartment or at that address. Influence From External Numerology Energy describes this type of energy.

The influence of the street address would be of the energy represented by the number 9. And the influence of the apartment would be of the energy represented by the number 5.

The Street Address and Residence Number Calculator} may provide more information you can use.

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