Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Starting Anew
Location Compatibility
Your location tool is of fascinating potential benefit as I am intending moving on when the Covid problems have eased off. If I write my street address with house number and town on the same line I get 2. If I place the town on the line below, I get 4 and 2. Should that add up as 6 or should the whole address including postcode be rendered on the same line please?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
I think you are referring to the Location Compatibility Tool.
Each line you type in is calculated separately to obtain the compatibility score. Don't add the compatibility numbers together; each line is an independent calculation.
What you type in on individual lines depends on what you are looking for.
When you get a compatibility number for a town, it is for the entire town. When you get a compatibility number for a street address, it is for that street address. And when you get a compatibility number for a street address within a specific town, then the calculation is for that address when the address is located in that town.
The Street Address and Residence Number Calculator is another tool you may consider using. It is a dedicated residence number (house number, flat number, ...) and street address calculator to determine compatibility with each person likely to live at that residence.
Also, this article is recommended: External Influences
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