Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Starting Anew
House Number 2401 or 2201 or 501
For buying a house, I am considering flat 2401 or 2201 or 501. All of them are in wing A. Plot 8 sector 1.
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
The foundation number for the number 2401 is the number 7. Both your life path number and your destiny number are the number 7. You may be the most comfortable in a house with that number.
The foundation number for the number 2201 is the number 5. Your heart's desire number is also the number 5. Living in that house may feel more like you are accomplishing what you really want, whether or not it is the actuality.
The foundation number for the number 501 is the number 6. None of the core or long-term cycle numbers in your personal numerology chart are the number 6. Yet, the number 6 resonates more with home and family than the energy of any other single-digit number. If living in that house, you are likely to feel satisfied that you made the right decision.
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