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Compatible Numbers for Emigration Destination

Image for 'Compatible Numbers for Emigration Destination' numerology answer

Upon doing the compatibility for places to emigrate to and you get the answers in numbers. I would like to know the meaning of the compatible numbers as my answers turn out to be a 2,3,2.

Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)

I assume you refer to compatibility scores calculated by the Location Compatibility Tool.

The numbers you see in the calculation results table are totals. They are the result of adding and subtracting the compatibility quotients of several of your personal numerology chart numbers and the numbers of the proposed locations. (There is a table of compatibility quotients at Compatibility of Number Energy.)

The result of the additions is called a compatibility score. If I understand your question correctly, the numbers 2, 3, and 2 are compatibility scores. Each of those are a total of various compatibilities the tool calculated for a particular location. Scores of 2 and 3 are good.

How the calculator arrives at score totals may best be understood by doing the calculations manually, or at least finding out how it is done. The Location Compatibility page has a "Manual Compatibility Calculations" section that describes the procedure.

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