Numerology Answers > Physical Life > Starting Anew
Area to Live Life to Highest Vibration
What area would I be able to live my life to it's most highest vibration?
Answer: (Responses to questions rely on the accuracy of the name and birth date provided with the question. Typographical errors or incomplete information can result in an incorrect response.)
As your question implies, it is assumed the numerology energy of some geographical areas resonate more with a person's numerology chart than do other areas.
The better the resonance, the more compatibility, and the more likely a person can live life to their satisfaction.
The name of an area is used for calculating its energy. A number is obtained. Every number represents numerology energy. That energy can be compared to the energy of the person's numerology chart.
If you wish to consider various countries, make a list of the official names of countries that area acceptable to you for living in. Then use the Location Compatibility Tool to determine which country is best for you.
When a country is determined, then make a list of regions that are acceptable to you. An region might be a state, province, or other named area. Use the same tool to determine which areas resonate best with your numerology chart.
The Location Compatibility article has information on exactly how to use the Location Compatibility Tool.
Continue drilling down until you are satisfied with the area you determined.
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